A Room of One’s Own

by Sandra Makaresz

How many times have you taken a course, written a plan of action, or made a resolution only to find yourself in the same old habits three months later? Working from home this week I finally had to clear out my home office (forgotten resolution number one), organise various bundles of notes (from the Writer’s Plan course I did many months ago) and dust off the special calendar I bought to outline my action plan (one of the helpful, but forgotten, suggestions from the course). The sad history of my year’s writing goal was laid out in front of me. I had literally done all the groundwork and promptly been overtaken by life.

I could have been filled with frustration at my lack of resolve, but I chose to see it as an opportunity.

As part of the Writer’s Plan we’d been asked what the one thing was that we could change in our life in order to start achieving our writing goals. For some people it was about breaking their Sudoku addiction or watching less television. I’m sure I thought of something at the time, but obviously I hadn’t acted on it.

The current enforced working from home situation has delivered me a gift. I’m saving nearly four hours travel time each week and that’s just the change I need to progress my writing goals. Best of all, I didn’t have to give up anything I like! Reclaiming my office from the mess has given me the space I need and my lack of travel is giving me the time – a room of one’s own and no excuse not to use it for at least four hours every week.

My new writing goal for April is to use those precious extra hours to finish the last two chapters of my novel. What’s your writing goal for April? If you feel like reaching out, share it on Facebook and keep us up to date with your progress. We’ll post Writer’s Plan tips to help you stay motivated.
